Майкл Хёрст пишет сценарий для английского мини-сериала "Александр". Александр стал великим полководцем, и был признан даже богом в 33 года. Но Майкла заинтересовала личность этого легендарного человека. Съёмки хотят начать в 2014 году.

" (...)The series, which will likely be a hot development project at MipTV, is expected to comprise eight to 12 hour-long episodes, with production set to begin in 2014.

Hirst said of the project: “Not many rulers are ever called ‘Great.’ Alexander of Macedonia was the first, and is still probably the greatest. By the age of 33 he had explored and conquered most of the known world, and was already widely acknowledged to be a god.

“But for me, the fascination of this series lies in the character of the man himself. Taught by Aristotle, descended from Hercules, Alexander remained full of doubts, as well as questions about the nature and purpose of life. From ancient history he reaches out to talk to those who still dream of shattering the boundaries and limits of human experience.” (*www.screendaily.com/news/production/michael-hir... )